All comments, suggestions, and quantum optics or atom optics links to be added are welcome. Please email Jens Klinder (to jklinder AT Thanks to all who have contributed!If you know the correct URLs for any of the 墙软件 below, please email me the corrections.
Maintained by Jens Klinder jklinder AT (Ph.D. student, University of Hamburg, Germany).
Created by Dien A. Rice drice AT (School of Physics, Monash University, Australia).
番羽土墙 Last updated: 2 January 2013
old page (last updated December 31, 2005)
Page updated (23 July 2013)
墙软件 (by country)
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(by country and state/city, roughly in alphabetical order by groupname within each state/city)
番羽土墙软件 (Griffith U., 番羽土啬吧) Centre of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics (U. Queensland, 番羽土墙) Quantum Optics Laboratory (U. Queensland, Warwick Bowen) Quantum Optics Quantum Information Theory Group (U. Queensland, Timothy Ralph) Quantum Technology Laboratory (U. Queensland, Andrew White)
Quantum Optics Group (Australian National U., Ping Koy Lam)
Atom Optics Group (U. Melbourne, Robert Scholten) Centre for Atom Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy (Swinburne U. of Technology, Peter Hannaford)
Microwave Division (U. Western Australia, 墙软件) 番羽土墙 (U. Western Australia, Andre Luiten)
Quantum Information Group (U. Innsbruck, Hans J. Briegel) Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Group (U. Innsbruck, Rainer Blatt) Quantum Optics Theory Group (U. Innsbruck, Peter Zoller) Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Gases (U. Innsbruck, Rudolf Grimm)
Quantum Nanophysics and Molecular Quantum Optics (U. Vienna, Markus Arndt) Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (U. Vienna, Anton Zeilinger)
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics (Belarus National Academy of Sciences, Vladimir V. Kabanov) 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … (Belarus National Academy of Sciences, 墙软件) Institute of Electronics (Belarus National Academy of Sciences, Yurii V. Trofimov)
Theoretical Nonlinear Optics (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Thomas Erneux )
Sao Paulo
Laboratory for the coherent manipulation of atoms and light (U. Sao Paulo, Paulo Nussenzveig)
Institute for Quantum Information Science (U. Calgary, Barry Sanders) Laser Spectroscopy (U. Calgary, Nasser Moazzen-Ahmadi) Quantum Information Technology with Light and Experimental Quantum Optics (U. Calgary, Alex Lvovsky) 墙软件 (U. Calgary, Peter Marzlin)
Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations (Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations, Robert Corriveau)
Laser Cooling and Quantum Optics Group (U. Toronto, Aephraim M. Steinberg) Theoretical Optical Physics and Quantum Information (U. Toronto, Daniel F. V. James) Ultracold Atoms Group (U. Toronto, Joseph H. Thywissen)
Quantum Optics (Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Shi-Yao Zhu)
Division of Quantum physics and Quantum information (Hefei National Laboratory for Physics Sciences at Microscale, Jian-Wei PAN)
The Ion Trap Group (Aarhus U., 番羽土啬吧) Ultracold Quantum Gases (Aarhus U., Jan Arlt)
Center for Quantum Optics (Niels Bohr Institute, Eugene S. Polzik) Theoretical Quantum Optics (Niels Bohr Institute, Anders S. Sørensen)
Quantum Information group (Technical U. Denmark, Ulrik Lund Andersen)
Laboratoire Photonique Numérique Nanosciences (Institut d`Optique, Philippe Bouyer)
Atom Optics Group (Institut d`Optique, 墙软件) 番羽土啬吧 (Institut d`Optique, 番羽土墙)
墙软件 (Ecole Normale Superieure, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paul Indelicato) Optique Quantique du LKB (Ecole Normale Superieure, Alberto Bramati)
AG Eisert (Free U. Berlin, Jens Eisert) 墙软件 (Humboldt-U. Berlin , Alejandro Saenz) Nano Optics Group (Humboldt-U. Berlin , 番羽土墙软件) Nonlinear Processes in Condensed Matter (Humboldt-U. Berlin , Thomas Elsaesser) Optical Metrology (Humboldt-U. Berlin , Achim Peters) Photonics Group (Humboldt-U. Berlin , 番羽土墙)
Experimental Quantum Physics (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-U. Bonn, Michael Köhl) Laser Physics Group (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-U, Bonn, Dieter Meschede)
Experimental Quantum Metrology (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Piet Schmidt) Quantum Optics with Cold Atoms (Group 4.32) (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Uwe Sterr) Unit of Length (Group 4.31) (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, 番羽土墙软件)
Atoms - Photons - Quanta (Darmstadt U. of Technology, Gerhard Birkl) Laser and Quantum Optics (Darmstadt U. of Technology, Thomas Walther ) Nonlinear Optics / Quantum Optics (Darmstadt U. of Technology, 番羽土墙) Semiconductor Optics Group (Darmstadt U. of Technology, Wolfgang Elsässer)
Quantum Optics and Relativity (Heinrich-Heine-U., Stephan Schiller)
Institut of Optics, Information and Photonics (U. Erlangen-Nuremberg, Gerd Leuchs)
Theoretische Quantendynamik (U. Freiburg, John S. Briggs)
Antimatter Spectroscopy (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Masaki Hori) Attosecond Imaging (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, 墙软件) Laboratory for Attosecond Physics (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Reinhard Kienberger) Quantum Simulations with Ions (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Tobias Schätz) Ultrafast Quantum Optics Group (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Peter Hommelhoff)
Atom Optics Group (U. Hamburg, Andreas Hemmerich) Many-Body Effects in ultra-cold Atoms (U. Hamburg, Ludwig Mathey) Quantum Gases and Spectroscopy Group (U. Hamburg, Klaus Sengstock) Quantum Matter Group (U. Hamburg, Henning Moritz) 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... (U. Hamburg, Peter Schmelcher)
Quantum Dynamics of Atomic and Molecular Systems (Ruprecht-Karls-U. Heidelberg, Matthias Weidemüller) Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (Ruprecht-Karls-U. Heidelberg, Jian-Wei Pan) Ultracold Quantum Gases Group (Ruprecht-Karls-U. Heidelberg, 番羽土墙软件)
Quantum Dynamics and Control (U. Kassel, Christiane Koch)
Quantum Theory Group (U. Potsdam, Martin Wilkens)
Theoretical Quantum Optics Group (U. Rostock, Werner Vogel)
Quantum Optics Research Group (U. Siegen, 墙软件) 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有 (U. Siegen, Otfried Guehne)
5th Institute of Physics (U. Stuttgart, Tilman Pfau)
Atom Optics Group (U. Tübingen, Martin Weitz)
Controlled Quantum Dynamics Group (Ulm U., Susana F. Huelga) Controlled Quantum Dynamics Group (Ulm U., Martin B. Plenio)
Quantum Optics and Quantum Informatics (Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Péter Ádám)
Be`er Sheva
Atom Chip Lab (Ben-Gurion U., Ron Folman)
Quantum Coherence Lab (Hebrew U., Nadav Katz) 番羽土啬吧 (The Hebrew U. Jerusalem, 墙软件)
Cold Atoms Group (Weizmann Institute of Science, Nir Davidson) Quantum Optics Group (Weizmann Institute of Science , Gershon Kurizki)
严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群众的“底线民生”、改善群众急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。 (U. Camerino, Paolo Tombesi)
齐鲁晚报:2021-1-31 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准众及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ... (INRIM, Marco Genovese)
Quantum Optics Group (Kyoto U., 墙软件)
Light-Matter Interactions Unit (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Sile Nic Chormaic)
Quantum Optics Group (U. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Alfred U Ren)
Quantum Gases (U. Amsterdam, Jook Walraven)
喜迎首个中国农民丰收节!农业农村部给你当导游,“逛吃攻略 ...:2021-9-15 · 9月23日是农历秋分,亿万农民将第一次迎来属于自己的节日——“中国农民丰收节”。 首个中国农民丰收节 将举办“1+6+N”活动 在农业农村部13日举行的新闻发布会上,农业农村部副部长屈冬玉表示,首届“中国农民丰收节”活动由“1+6+N”组成。 (Eindhoven U. of Technology, K.A.H. van Leeuwen)
New Zealand
Quantum Optics Theory Group (U. Auckland, 番羽土墙)
AMO physics (U. Otago, Niels Kjaergaard ) Atomic Physics Lab (U. Otago, 番羽土墙软件) Blakie Bradley Theory Group (U. Otago, 墙软件) David Hutchinson Group (U. Otago, 番羽土墙软件) Quantum Optics Group (U. Otago, Jevon Longdell)
Quantum Hacking group (Norwegian U. of Science and Technology, Johannes Skaar)
Laboratory of Coherent Optics (Kirensky Institute of Physics, Vasily Arkhipkin)
Laser Systems Laboratory (Novosibirsk State U., Sergey Kobtsev)
South Korea
Ultrafast Quantum Optics Laboratory (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Jaewook Ahn)
Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Laboratory (Pohang U. of Science and Technology, Yoon-Ho Kim)
Quantum information with cold atoms and non-classical light (Institute of Photonic Sciences, Morgan Mitchell) Quantum Photonics with Solids and Atoms (Institute of Photonic Sciences, 番羽土墙) Ultracold Quantum Gases Group (Institute of Photonic Sciences, Leticia Tarruell)
Optics Laboratory (U. Vigo, Humberto Michinel)
Nonlinear Physics Group (U. Salamanca, 番羽土墙软件)
Quantum and Field Theory (Stockholm U., Mohamed Bourennane ) Quantum Electronics and Quantum Optics (KTH, Gunnar Björk)
quantum atom optics lab (U. Basel, Philipp Treutlein)
K-Lab, Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements (EPFL, Tobias Kippenberg) 番羽土墙 (EPFL, Jean-Philippe Brantut)
Mesoscopic Quantum Optics (ETH Zurich, Hakan E. Türeci ) Nonlinear Optics Laboratory (ETH Zurich, Peter Günter) Quantum Optics (ETH Zurich, Tilman Esslinger) Quantum Optoelectronics (ETH Zurich, Jérôme Faist) 番羽土啬吧 (ETH Zurich, Atac Imamoglu) Trapped Ion Quantum Information (ETH Zurich, Jonathan Home) Ultrafast Laser Physics (ETH Zurich, Ursula Keller)
Chiang Mai
Quantum Atom Optics Laboratory (Chiangmai U., Anukool Waranont)
United Kingdom
Quantum Technology (Queen`s U., Jim McCann) Ultrafast Dynamics in Intense Laser Fields (Queen`s U., Ian Williams)
Ultra Cold Atoms Research Group (U. Birmingham, Kai Bongs)
Quantum Gases and Collective Phenomena Group (U. Cambridge, Zoran Hadzibabic) 历史上造反成功,坐上龙椅的四大反贼,其中不乏千古明君 ...:2021-3-12 · 中国封建时伕人伔信优的是天下非一人之天下,乃人人之天下,所众很多人对于皇位都怀有觊觎之心,许多反贼都是为了那把高高在上的龙椅而起兵造反,但是最后能够坐上龙椅的并不多,有四个人最为出名。历史上造反成功, (U. Cambridge, Mete Atature) Quantum Optoelectronics Group (U. Cambridge, 番羽土啬吧)
Durham Atomic and Molecular Physics (Durham U., Charles S Adams)
番羽土墙 (U. Essex, Rodney Loudon)
Computational Nonlinear and Quantum Optics (U. Strathclyde, Gian-Luca Oppo) Photonics Group (U. Strathclyde, Riis Erling)
Photonics Group (Imperial College London, Paul French) Quantum Optics and Laser Science Research Group (Imperial College London, Richard Thompson)
Atom-Photon Connection (U. Oxford, Axel Kuhn) Combustion Physics and Non-Linear Optics Group (U. Oxford, 番羽土墙软件) 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 (U. Oxford, 番羽土墙软件) Quantum Optics of Quantum Many-Body Systems (University of Oxford, Igor Mekhov) 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … (U. Oxford, Simon M. Hooker) 东北网2021年05月27日新闻汇总:主流媒体 龙江门户 (U. Oxford, Patrick E.G. Baird) Ultra-cold Quantum Matter Group (U. Oxford, Christopher Foot) 番羽土墙软件 (U. Oxford, Ian A. Walmsley)
St Andrews
Cold Atoms Group (U. St. Andrews, Donatella Cassettari) Experimental Quantum Optics (U. St. Andrews, 番羽土墙) Nonlinear Optics Group (U. St. Andrews, Malcolm H Dunn) Theoretical Quantum Information Group (U. St. Andrews, Natalia Korolkova)
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (U. Sussex, 番羽土墙)
United States of America
墙软件 (U. Arizona, Pierre Meystre) Laser Cooling and Trapping Group (U. Arizona, Poul S. Jessen)
Quantum and Nonlinear Optics Group (U. Arkansas, Min Xiao)
Atomic Physics Group (CalTech, Kenneth G. Libbrecht) Quantum Optics Group (CalTech, Jeff Kimble)
Center for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (U. Colorado, Chris Greene)
High-Intensity Laser Physics (U. Connecticut, George N. Gibson) Laser Cooling and Trapping Group (U. Connecticut, Phillip Gould)
Intense Laser Physics (Illinois State U., Rainer Grobe) Laboratory for Atomic and Photonic Technology (Northwestern U., Selim Shahriar)
Quantum Science and Technologies Group (Louisiana State U., Jonathan P. Dowling)
Atom Trapping Group (Bates College, George Ruff)
Electron Physics Group (NIST, Jabez McClelland) Quantum Information Group (UMBC, James Franson) Quantum Optics Group (UMBC, Yanhua Shih)
Alkali Quantum Gases Group (MIT, Wolfgang Ketterle) Alkali Quantum Gases Group (MIT, David E. Pritchard) Heller Group (Havard U., Eric J. Heller) Quantum Communication and Measurement Laboratory (Boston U., 番羽土墙软件) Quantum Information Science (Boston U., 墙软件) Single Atom Laser Group (MIT, Christopher M. Fang-Yen)
New York
Gaeta`s Nonlinear and Quantum Optics Group (Cornell U., Alexander Gaeta) Ultracold Atomic Physics (Stony Brook U., 番羽土墙软件)
Macklin Quantum Information Sciences Group (Miami U, Perry Rice) Macklin Quantum Information Sciences Group (Miami U, James Clemens)
番羽土墙 (Rice U., Randy Hulet) Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (TAMU, Marlan Scully) Raizen Group (U. Texas at Austin, Mark G. Raizen)
Atom Trainers (U. Wisconsin-Madison, Thad G. Walker) 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_新闻_宜宾 ...:2021-3-13 · 四川在线宜宾频道消息(陈刚 王渤涛)“供电惠民助农政策硬是好,免费为我家新房立杆架线送了电!”3月12日,家住四川省宜宾市翠屏区思坡镇玉屏村村民徐全兴看到崭新的电线牵进了家,乐呵呵地说。当日,玉屏村热闹非凡,10余名身著蓝色工装的人员乘着几辆满载工具材料、标有“国家电网”字样 ... (U. Wisconsin-Madison, Mark Saffman)
(in alphabetical order, by surname)
番羽土墙软件 (Durham U., United Kingdom, see Group home page) Ahn, Jaewook (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea, see Group home page) 墙软件 (U. Otago, New Zealand, see Group home page) Andersen, Ulrik Lund (Technical U. Denmark, Denmark, see Group home page) Arkhipkin, Vasily (Kirensky Institute of Physics, Russia, see Group home page) 番羽土墙 (Aarhus U., Denmark, see Group home page) Arndt, Markus (U. Vienna, Austria, see Group home page) 番羽土墙 (Institut d`Optique, France, see Group home page) Atature, Mete (U. Cambridge, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Ádám, Péter (Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Hungary, see Group home page) Baird, Patrick E.G. (U. Oxford, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Benson, Oliver (Humboldt-U. Berlin , Germany, see Group home page) Birkl, Gerhard (Darmstadt U. of Technology, Germany, see Group home page) Björk, Gunnar (KTH, Sweden, see Group home page) Blatt, Rainer (U. Innsbruck, Austria, see Group home page) Bongs, Kai (U. Birmingham, United Kingdom, see Group home page) 番羽土啬吧 (Stockholm U., Sweden, see 番羽土墙软件 Bouyer, Philippe (Institut d`Optique, France, see 番羽土墙软件 Bowen, Warwick (U. Queensland, Australia, see Group home page) Bradley, Ashton (U. Otago, New Zealand, see Group home page) Bramati, Alberto (Ecole Normale Superieure, France, see Group home page) Brantut, Jean-Philippe (EPFL, Switzerland, see Group home page) 番羽土墙软件 (U. Innsbruck, Austria, see 墙软件 Briggs, John S. (U. Freiburg, Germany, see Group home page) Carmichael, Howard (U. Auckland, New Zealand, see 番羽土墙 Cassettari, Donatella (U. St. Andrews, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Cerveró, Jose M. (U. Salamanca, Spain, see Group home page) Clemens, James (Miami U, United States of America, see Group home page) 番羽土墙软件 (U. Queensland, Australia, see Group home page) Corriveau, Robert (Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations, Canada, see Group home page) Davidson, Nir (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, see Group home page) Dowling, Jonathan P. (Louisiana State U., United States of America, see Group home page) 番羽土墙 (Aarhus U., Denmark, see Group home page) Dunn, Malcolm H (U. St. Andrews, United Kingdom, see Group home page) de Riedmatten, Hugues (Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain, see Group home page) Eisenberg, Hagai S. (The Hebrew U. Jerusalem, Israel, see Group home page) Eisert, Jens (Free U. Berlin, Germany, see Group home page) Elsaesser, Thomas (Humboldt-U. Berlin , Germany, see Group home page) Elsässer, Wolfgang (Darmstadt U. of Technology, Germany, see Group home page) Erling, Riis (U. Strathclyde, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Erneux , Thomas (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, see Group home page) Eschner, Jürgen (Saarland U., Germany, see Group home page) 番羽土墙软件 (ETH Zurich, Switzerland, see Group home page) Ewart, Paul (U. Oxford, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Faist, Jérôme (ETH Zurich, Switzerland, see Group home page) Fang-Yen, Christopher M. (MIT, United States of America, see 番羽土墙 番羽土墙软件 (Ben-Gurion U., Israel, see 番羽土墙 Foot, Christopher (U. Oxford, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Franson, James (UMBC, United States of America, see Group home page) French, Paul (Imperial College London, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Gaeta, Alexander (Cornell U., United States of America, see Group home page) Gaponenko, Sergei V. (Belarus National Academy of Sciences, Belarus, see Group home page) Genovese, Marco (INRIM, Italy, see Group home page) Gibson, George N. (U. Connecticut, United States of America, see Group home page) Gould, Phillip (U. Connecticut, United States of America, see 番羽土墙 Grangier, Philippe (Institut d`Optique, France, see Group home page) 墙软件 (U. Colorado, United States of America, see Group home page) Grimm, Rudolf (U. Innsbruck, Austria, see Group home page) Grobe, Rainer (Illinois State U., United States of America, see Group home page) Guehne, Otfried (U. Siegen, Germany, see Group home page) Günter, Peter (ETH Zurich, Switzerland, see Group home page) Hadzibabic, Zoran (U. Cambridge, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Halfmann, Thomas (Darmstadt U. of Technology, Germany, see Group home page) Hannaford, Peter (Swinburne U. of Technology, Australia, see Group home page) Havey, Mark (Old Dominion U., United States of America, see Group home page) Heller, Eric J. (Havard U., United States of America, see Group home page) Hemmerich, Andreas (U. Hamburg, Germany, see Group home page) Henneberger, Fritz (Humboldt-U. Berlin , Germany, see Group home page) Home, Jonathan (ETH Zurich, Switzerland, see Group home page) Hommelhoff, Peter (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany, see 番羽土墙软件 Hooker, Simon M. (U. Oxford, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Hori, Masaki (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany, see Group home page) Huelga, Susana F. (Ulm U., Germany, see Group home page) Hulet, Randy (Rice U., United States of America, see 墙软件 Hutchinson, David (U. Otago, New Zealand, see Group home page) Imamoglu, Atac (ETH Zurich, Switzerland, see Group home page) Indelicato, Paul (Ecole Normale Superieure, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France, see Group home page) Jaeger, Gregg (Boston U., United States of America, see Group home page) James, Daniel F. V. (U. Toronto, Canada, see 番羽土墙 Jessen, Poul S. (U. Arizona, United States of America, see Group home page) Jochim, Selim (Ruprecht-Karls-U. Heidelberg, Germany, see Group home page) Kabanov, Vladimir V. (Belarus National Academy of Sciences, Belarus, see 番羽土啬吧 Katz, Nadav (Hebrew U., Israel, see 番羽土墙软件 Keller, Ursula (ETH Zurich, Switzerland, see Group home page) Ketterle, Wolfgang (MIT, United States of America, see Group home page) 番羽土墙软件 (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany, see 墙软件 Kim, Yoon-Ho (Pohang U. of Science and Technology, South Korea, see Group home page) Kimble, Jeff (CalTech, United States of America, see Group home page) Kippenberg, Tobias (EPFL, Switzerland, see 墙软件 番羽土啬吧 (U. Otago, New Zealand, see Group home page) Kling, Matthias (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany, see Group home page) Kobtsev, Sergey (Novosibirsk State U., Russia, see Group home page) Koch, Christiane (U. Kassel, Germany, see Group home page) Korolkova, Natalia (U. St. Andrews, United Kingdom, see Group home page) 番羽土墙 (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-U. Bonn, Germany, see Group home page) König, Friedrich (U. St. Andrews, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Kuhn, Axel (U. Oxford, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Kurizki, Gershon (Weizmann Institute of Science , Israel, see Group home page) Lam, Ping Koy (Australian National U., Australia, see Group home page) Lange, Wolfgang (U. Sussex, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Leuchs, Gerd (U. Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, see Group home page) Libbrecht, Kenneth G. (CalTech, United States of America, see Group home page) 墙软件 (U. Otago, New Zealand, see Group home page) Loudon, Rodney (U. Essex, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Luiten, Andre (U. Western Australia, Australia, see Group home page) 墙软件 (U. Calgary, Canada, see Group home page) Marzlin, Peter (U. Calgary, Canada, see Group home page) Mathey, Ludwig (U. Hamburg, Germany, see Group home page) McCann, Jim (Queen`s U., United Kingdom, see Group home page) McClelland, Jabez (NIST, United States of America, see Group home page) Mekhov, Igor (University of Oxford, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Meschede, Dieter (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-U, Bonn, Germany, see Group home page) Meystre, Pierre (U. Arizona, United States of America, see Group home page) Michinel, Humberto (U. Vigo, Spain, see Group home page) Mitchell, Morgan (Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain, see Group home page) 番羽土墙 (U. Calgary, Canada, see Group home page) Morigi , Giovanna (Saarland U., Germany, see Group home page) 番羽土啬吧 (U. Hamburg, Germany, see Group home page) 番羽土墙软件 (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, see 墙软件 Nussenzveig, Paulo (U. Sao Paulo, Brazil, see Group home page) Oppo, Gian-Luca (U. Strathclyde, United Kingdom, see Group home page) PAN, Jian-Wei (Hefei National Laboratory for Physics Sciences at Microscale, China, see Group home page) Pan, Jian-Wei (Ruprecht-Karls-U. Heidelberg, Germany, see Group home page) 番羽土啬吧 (Humboldt-U. Berlin , Germany, see Group home page) Pfau, Tilman (U. Stuttgart, Germany, see Group home page) Pfister, Olivier (U. Virginia, United States of America, see Group home page) Phillips, Richard (U. Cambridge, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Plenio, Martin B. (Ulm U., Germany, see Group home page) Polzik, Eugene S. (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark, see Group home page) Pritchard, David E. (MIT, United States of America, see Group home page) Raizen, Mark G. (U. Texas at Austin, United States of America, see Group home page) Ralph, Timothy (U. Queensland, Australia, see Group home page) Rice, Perry (Miami U, United States of America, see Group home page) Ruff, George (Bates College, United States of America, see 番羽土墙 番羽土啬吧 (Humboldt-U. Berlin , Germany, see Group home page) Saffman, Mark (U. Wisconsin-Madison, United States of America, see Group home page) 番羽土墙 (U. Calgary, Canada, see Group home page) Schätz, Tobias (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany, see Group home page) Schiller, Stephan (Heinrich-Heine-U., Germany, see Group home page) Schmelcher, Peter (U. Hamburg, Germany, see Group home page) Schmidt, Piet (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany, see Group home page) Schnatz, Harald (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany, see Group home page) Schneble, Dominik (Stony Brook U., United States of America, see Group home page) Scholten, Robert (U. Melbourne, Australia, see Group home page) 墙软件 (TAMU, United States of America, see Group home page) Sengstock, Klaus (U. Hamburg, Germany, see 番羽土啬吧 Sergienko, Alexander V. (Boston U., United States of America, see Group home page) Shahriar, Selim (Northwestern U., United States of America, see Group home page) Shih, Yanhua (UMBC, United States of America, see Group home page) Skaar, Johannes (Norwegian U. of Science and Technology, Norway, see Group home page) Sørensen, Anders S. (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark, see 番羽土墙软件 Stacewicz, Tadeusz (U. Warsaw, Poland, see Group home page) Steane, Andrew M. (U. Oxford, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Steinberg, Aephraim M. (U. Toronto, Canada, see Group home page) 番羽土墙软件 (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany, see Group home page) Takahashi, Yoshiro (Kyoto U., Japan, see Group home page) Tanas, Ryszard (Adam Mickiewicz U., Poland, see Group home page) Tarruell, Leticia (Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain, see 番羽土墙软件 Thompson, Richard (Imperial College London, United Kingdom, see 番羽土啬吧 Thywissen, Joseph H. (U. Toronto, Canada, see 番羽土墙 Tobar, Michael (U. Western Australia, Australia, see Group home page) Tombesi, Paolo (U. Camerino, Italy, see Group home page) Treutlein, Philipp (U. Basel, Switzerland, see 墙软件 Trofimov, Yurii V. (Belarus National Academy of Sciences, Belarus, see Group home page) Türeci , Hakan E. (ETH Zurich, Switzerland, see Group home page) U Ren, Alfred (U. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, see 番羽土啬吧 Vogel, Werner (U. Rostock, Germany, see Group home page) van Leeuwen, K.A.H. (Eindhoven U. of Technology, Netherlands, see Group home page) 番羽土墙软件 (U. Wisconsin-Madison, United States of America, see Group home page) Walmsley, Ian A. (U. Oxford, United Kingdom, see Group home page) Walraven, Jook (U. Amsterdam, Netherlands, see Group home page) Walther , Thomas (Darmstadt U. of Technology, Germany, see Group home page) Waranont, Anukool (Chiangmai U., Thailand, see Group home page) Weidemüller, Matthias (Ruprecht-Karls-U. Heidelberg, Germany, see Group home page) Weitz, Martin (U. Tübingen, Germany, see Group home page) White, Andrew (U. Queensland, Australia, see Group home page) Wilkens, Martin (U. Potsdam, Germany, see 番羽土墙软件 Williams, Ian (Queen`s U., United Kingdom, see 番羽土啬吧 Wiseman, Howard (Griffith U., Australia, see Group home page) Wunderlich, Christof (U. Siegen, Germany, see Group home page) Xiao, Min (U. Arkansas, United States of America, see Group home page) Zeilinger, Anton (U. Vienna, Austria, see Group home page) Zhu, Shi-Yao (Beijing Computational Science Research Center, China, see Group home page) Zoller, Peter (U. Innsbruck, Austria, see Group home page)
(Also see Group home pages or Individual home pages for preprints/papers from specific research groups or individuals.)
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墙软件 (Search through Energy, Science, and Technology Journal Literature)
Quantum and Atom Optics Newsletter (U. Queensland, Australia)
(All of these are HTML documents, and so are viewable with your WWW browser)
What is Quantum Cryptography? (by Artur Ekert)
What is Quantum Cryptoanalysis? (by Artur Ekert)
What is Quantum Communication? (by David Deutsch and Artur Ekert)
Spin Squeezing (by Masahiro Kitagawa)
Visual Quantum Mechanics (by D. Zollman et al.)
Schroedinger's "cat paradox" paper by Erwin Schroedinger(墙软件, Part 2, Part 3, translated by J. D. Trimmer)